Andrew and I celebrated the 4th of July here in St. Louis, MO. We went to a carnival with Carissa, Marlon, and thier 2 kids. It was an All American Classic. There were carnival rides, a farris wheel, games to play and win a prize for 50 cents a try, popcorn, cotton candy, and hot dogs, etc. We started off with 20 ride tickets, each ride would "cost" about 2 or 3 tickets. At the end of our carnival fun, we had 6 tickets left and passed them down to a little girl waiting in line to go on the wiggle worm ride.
There was one carnival game, which I thought was a rip-off. The man had a booth with a radar gun hooked up to read the speed of a baseball pitch, the person playing gets 2 balls for TWO DOLLARS!!! first throw one ball, and the meter reads the speed, then with the second ball you throw it trying to guess your speed, based on the first ball to make a ball park guess (pun intended)... the guess needs to be exact in order to win a prize!!! All of that for $2.00, is a rip-off, and most likely no prize in the end. I took a stab at the game and first I threw my pitch at a speed of 24, then had to guess the next balls speed and went down to 23, only to get a speed of 25! stupid game. I throw like a girl! haha oh yeah that's cuz I am a girl! Andrew threw at a speed of 35, an 38.
When we were waiting to go on the farris wheel there was a bridal party with the bride and groom all getting on the wheel and the photographer was there taking the wedding photos. (I took some with my camera, to post later). I thought this was such a cool idea to be married on the 4th and have a classic carnival back drop to use for wedding photos. Later, the happy coulple took photo opps by the cotton candy vender. A very cool idea.
After the carnival festivities it started to get dark for the firework show to start, over by where we had parked ended up being a perfect spot to watch the fireworks, we all sat in the parking lot with our pop up chairs and watermellon in a cooler all set up and sitting pretty.
The 4th was a blast!