Thursday, July 16, 2009

Free is always good. :)

July 16th 2009. A wonderful day, filled with free everything! Thank you to all who contributed.
First off I had to find a shop to fix my vacuum. I found the OK Vacuum shop near by, the guy fixed it for free! He replaced the rubber belt and brush roll...FREE

As I was stopped at a stop light, I peak at Kara in the back and her car seat was slanted to the left. It was no longer snugly fastened to the back seat. I had to think quickly and find a place to reinstall the car seat, to keep her safe. I was just down the street from a fire station. I dropped in to the fire house and Fireman Greg, the certified Baby Seat Installer, properly hooked in Kara's car seat...FREE

Went to target to return some baby things that I never ended up using. The customer service gal gave me store credit on a gift card, to shop with. With the gift card I bought the baby sleep wedge; to help Kara from rolling in her sleep, and the Michael Jackson CD with all the #1 songs on it....sort of free by using the gift card.

Then at Walgreens I bought two, 20 oz, cokes and got a pack of gum guest it...FREE!

4 o'clock rolls around and I have to start heading into work. No traffic on the highway, and I got to work 15 minutes early. To top off my good day I went on my dinner break to the employee cafeteria and found a delicious menu to eat from. There was spinach salad, fresh fruit and vegi burgers...ALL FREE! It just added onto my day of free experiences and my luck kept on coming. Today was such a great day and mostly FREE!

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