Friday, May 14, 2010

Teen Sails the World!

Jessica Watson's Website/fan info

An amazing teen, Jessica Watson sails around the world in 7 months. She sailed solo with no assistance. I am flabergasted by her story. It amazes me what people can do when the set a goal and put there heart and soul into it.
Here is her blog:

Jessica Watson's Blog

Here is a note I wrote to her:

Dear Jessica,

I have a feeling I will be watching your story on either Oprah or Ellen show here in the states. I am very impressed and glad you are safe and almost back home. Congrats to you, even if the recorders stopped recognizing the "youngest" category. Controversy my a*s. I think you should at least get a couple of ribbons and a huge trophy then. I heard of your story of sailing around the world via the Yahoo posting. I will have to keep up with reading your blog. I only wish I knew of it 200+ days ago. :)

You've knocked them out of the water! Way to go Jessica! I am very proud of you, and I don't even know you. Just last night, I was talking to my husband, that our next trip out of country should be to Australia and go to Melbourne...and now I read this story of you sailing around solo, a very inspiring story. We most defiantly will have to take a trip over to Australia now...only we will fly or cruise over.

;) Martiel Hay

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