This is so realistic, BUT the guy on his motorcycle is DEAD! Do a double take...! This is the newest and oddest thing some Funeral Homes are doing now. Click link to see the news snip-it: Extreme Embalming Funeral Party Pictured above is a man who died, and loved his motorcycle."The body of David Morales Colo`n was placed on his motorcycle in a peculiar "viewing ceremony" that his family requested after he was shot in San Juan, Puerto Rico in May, 2012" - Article quote.
WOW. Boarder line interesting. I think for this idea to be pulled off, the person (on display) would have to help plan the theme or look to this before passing away. Say people who maybe write it into their will as a request? Bizarre but neat, nicer than an open casket...until the person slumps over or an arm that was propped up, falls down, scaring the daylights out of loved ones attending. YA...not a good idea to do this...What do you think? Comment please!