Monday, January 16, 2006


This blog is all over the place on topic.

I tried changing my BLOG background, but the choices are slim pickins. The only one I really like is this brown background with scroll paper, with its pretty script font for the headings. The other backgrounds are so commonly used by other BLOGGERS, or they are plain solid colored backgrounds. Too bad I can not post my own background!? So I guess posting my cute pet bunny in the previous post will have to do in BLOG creativity, in adding newness to a new year.

So far this year (all 16 days of it) has been good. It started out with a hang over from a fun time out New Years Eve, with some friends of ours. We went to the Hauf Brau House in KY, and drank German Beer, in a huge beer mug. NOTE TO SELF when I have a hang over, don't use the hairdryer! =D
Photo: William, Apri, Andrew, Martiel

This year is filled with new hopes and goals to accomplish: a gym to attend, Church to grasp, more experiments with cooking, maybe some more snow, a search for a new home, finish school (finally), and what ever else comes my way I will take on and enjoy as well!

Happy 2006, and Happy Martin Luther King Day! He was a great man to start a vision that we shall definitely continue on the idea that we are all equal and no less, and should not be labeled, be proud to be American and be free for who we are. Live your dream and treat others as you would want to be treated. Treat them with kindness, respect, manners, friendliness, helpfulness, equality. Enjoy your surroundings, and love thy neighbor. Don't be haten. And avoid the Bengal’s phrase, "Who Dey?" instead go up and introduce your self, take the 1st step in making introduction. And remember, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's noses!"

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