Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Silly Moment of the Day

I was at the cafe in my grocery store and there is a cafe girl taking my coffee order who is beyond "silly" Her mind was definitely elsewhere, or maybe she was new to the job and she didn't realise how silly this all was.

Martiel: "Hi, I would like to order a grande Tie Chee"

Cafe Girl: "Do you mean a grande Chi Tea Latte?"

Martiel: (giggles) "oops, I mean Chi Tea Latte, thanks."

Cafe Girl: (giggles) What else would you like?

(there are 2 brown muffins and 2 beige muffins in the treat shelf) Of course the brown muffins are the chocolate ones so I specified the beige colored muffins, asking which flavor they were...

Martiel: Hmm, what flavor are the beige muffins?

Cafe Girl: Oh I am not sure, let's see...I know that the brown ones are chocolate...these aren't marked?

Martiel: Do you know what the beige muffins are?

Cafe Girl: the brown muffins are the chocolate and I think the beige ones are?...
Well, these are chocolate for sure, and these might be?...

Martiel: It looks like maybe it's a banana nut muffin? I will have the Banana Nut muffin.

Cafe Girl: I'm not sure if that is Banana Nut... this one is Chocolate. (points to the brown one)

(UGH!) Martiel: OK I will have the mystery flavored muffin please.

Cafe Girl: Which one? This one?

(OMG!) Martiel: Yes, please.

Cafe Girl: Here you go, and here is your grande Chi tea latte...

This could have been a Sitcom episode, it was so ridiculous!
The muffin was indeed Banana Nut to let you know. I enjoyed each bite and nibble of it.

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