Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just like the movie I paid it forward...

It felt so good to pay it forward. Just as the movie does in the story line where one does a selfless act and helps another person out, you feel better afterwards and the silver lining is discovered from a cloud. I had my car washed yesterday, interior mostly and standard exterior. The company gave me a coupon to use for a free exterior car wash the following day...if it were to rain the same day sometime by midnight. I held onto the coupon, because sure enough it rained later that evening. Now it is the following day and with my coupon in mind, I planned on getting a spot wash redo. BUT first I went over to Mazda for my oil change and new tires. The Mazda people washed my car as a courtesy service. With this, now I didn't need the secondary car wash from the car wash place. The coupon expires today on the 13th, so I drove by and saw a cute, guy pulling up in his new car, but dirty, and decided to "pay it forward" offered him my free car wash coupon. It was a selfless act of kindness to another, didn't cost the other person anything in return, and I didn't waist the coupon. I felt so good to surprise him on the spot like that to get a free car wash. Yeah me. (Pat on the back)

If you get the chance to do a selfless act towards another person, out of simplicity such as the coupon, or even paying an expired parking meter, go for it! The possibilities are endless and to do what ever you feel like doing in the action of "paying it forward".

Rent the movie "pay it forward" if you have not already seen it. It is very inspiring.

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