Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh Baby!

I am STILL prego, and due March 25th. Due dates are just an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival). Due dates are not accurate and DR don't help much at the check ups either. My check up is every Tuesday and yesterday my Doctor poked around and said I still have a closed cervix and not dilated... Which is frustrating, I thought maybe I would be further along? Last Sunday, my belly shape drastically changed. It is now lower and the top part of the belly which use to be firm is now mushy and the bottom part which use to be mushy is now firmer. So the baby has nestled down more and is dropping. Signs of her coming out are happening. ***This next part is TMI (To much information) sorry. I am just blogging the facts*** This morning my "mucus plug" came out! :) I never thought I would be happy to see a little glob of goo. It is one more indication of labor coming soon. I just don't know how soon? Will it be later tonight? or on Friday the 1st day of spring she will be born? or will she be born on the actual due date of the 25th? Apparently the mucus plug doesn't happen right before labor, it could fall out days or weeks before hand.

I just know my body is changing and prepping more than usual this week, out look good! fingers crossed. I don't want to go past my due date. My DR says if I do go past the due date she will induce me on March 30th on a Monday. Inducing labor means the DR does the work for you, opening of the cervix, breaking the water, etc. and it could be more painful to be induced. I hope I don't get to that point. I want to go into labor naturally before my due date and give birth when the baby decides to come out. Inducing sounds to me like playing "God" and choosing the birth date for baby arrival. It is not natural.

At the same time though, I am very prego and waiting around to pop! She needs to come out now, I can't wait any longer, I am too excited. It's like trying to wait for X-mas morning. It is too hard waiting around, I am getting antsy! ;)

Andrew is awaiting the arrival too. When ever I call his cell for something basic, like did he feed the dog this morning? or could he get some Chinese on the way home...he thinks I am calling him for THE call. When he answers the phone now, it is not a "hello, how are you.." it is a reply of, "Is it time to go to the hospital now?" I say, "no, I just was calling..." Now I try NOT to call Andrew, because he is anticipating THE call and I don't want to get him all excited over nothing. Poor guy. He is waiting around just as I am. We are both too excited and antsy. We can read up on all the info possible, but really don't know anything until we stumble through it first hand.

1 comment:

Leona said...

Cant wait to "hear" all about THAT day when she does finally decide to come out and greet you:) SO exciting!!!!!!!