Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kara's Firsts for Many

Kara had an eventful weekend. It was the first time to be on a airplane, her first wedding to attend, and her first time meeting some family and friends...and her first time visiting California, where her mommy and daddy grew up!

She did really well on the flight to California. Andrew and I packed just 3 carry on bags and did not have to check any luggage! I was amazed. On the flight, I had my usual ginger ale, and Kara had a bottle of formula durring take off and landing, to help ears pop. She had one diaper change, at first I thought, how am I going to change her? But there was a baby changing table to keep things simple. She even took a nap on the plane. People who were seated around us were very impressed how well she did on the flight...Thank you Kara!

Friday was a full day of fun. We started out driving over to Andrews old office, where his dad works and we joked that Kara would be the next PHC partner in 2039! haha

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