Sunday, November 13, 2005

Take the White Trash Quiz!

I took a questionnaire asking an odd assortment of questions, to answer yes or no to; I scored 14% !? How about you? Just how white trash are you? LOL take the W.T. quiz and comment back on this one, telling me your results!

My result:
You, my friend, have class. You are so not white trash. You are more than likely Democrat, and your place is neat, and there is a good chance you may never drink wine from a box.


Anonymous said...

i refuse to disclose the results of this test, on the grounds that it might incriminate me

(what do they mean by 25% white trash blood = no fashion sense?!)

gats ;:P

Martiel said...

You so funny! You have a keen fashion sense, this falls in the 75% of your non-white trash side.