Friday, April 07, 2006

Drivers can be so obliviouse to their surroundings!

Friday after work I am heading home on the freeway with many more cars at the same time. It is about 5pm, trafic will exsist, be sure to drive with caution!

SIDE NOTE> Ohio freeways use the giant "Amber Alert" signs as a use to update traffic reports when the sign is not in use for Amber Alerts.

As I drive past the giant sign, it reads "Accident at exit 6, Left lane BLOCKED"

OK lets start merging over to clear away the left lane, and slow down with traffic going around an accident we should be comeing up to in about 2 exits from now. Fine and dandy all cars are clearing the left lane...

OH look! there is traffic, OOOH! the left lane is all clear, let's speed up and drive in the left lane and pass up the traffic! ...

HMMM? looks like there is an accident on the freeway in the left lane...I need to merge back into the lanes of traffic! (morrons!)

All cars are finally passing the accident and quickly speed back up agian perceding their destinations.

The accident involved 8 cars in the fast lane of the freeway. I pray for the people involved in the 8 car pile up, for their safety, quick healing, and hope the victoms of this accident are all OK.

For the rest of the drivers on the freeway this evening, please pay more attention to the giant sign, and don't drive in the left lane when the giant signs says the lane is blocked by an accident!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are cute. You must have done the same thing once in your life though.