Friday, April 14, 2006


Last Tuesday I was at work and my coworker gave me a Kiss. I enjoyed the kiss so much I wanted more. This was not like any ordinary kiss. This kiss put other kisses off the chart! The kiss was new and so sweet. I haven't had a kiss quite like this before.

Hersheys made a new flavor called chery cordial kisses. I bit into the cherry cordial kiss as it oozed with cherry filling; my mouth was so happy with flavor. I want to have more of these kisses so sweetly filled with cherry.

I love the new Chery Cordial Kisses. BUT! these morrsils of cherry flavor are only for a limited time. Hersheys is so cruel to give us a delisouse treat and then take the kisses back!

I went to the Hersheys site and came upon a petition people are signing to keep the new cherry cordial flavor in circulation. Don't deprive us of the new kiss. Fans of Cherry Cordial Kiss have signed the petion and left a plead by their names. I am fan #1849 to sign the petition. These tiny chocolate covered cherry cordial filled bits of heaven can't be here for a limited time! The kiss needs to be available year around. The link to the petition is below to click on, and the sweet new kiss is avialable at the store for a limited time for your enjoyment. Give one to your coworker, it will be the best kiss they ever get!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm mmm kissalicious - gonna have to look for this at the store, hope they have them in cali - gats ;:P