Saturday, July 15, 2006

We are moving to MO Sunday and I have to run over to the cable place to return our cable box, AND modem. SOOOO that means I will not have internet access until I get over to MO and unpack the computer and set it up with internet again. This will be a final post in Ohio, the next post will be the start of "life in Missouri" as I have already changed the Blogs Title to that.

Bye bye for a few days. I'll find a way to survive with out internet or TV...I know! - unpacking will keep me preoccupied when I get there. FUN! Who needs modern technology when I have boxed up memories to reminiss and unpack. The 6 hour road trip will be fun, I get to do this for the 5th time. The two prior trips out there count for driving 6 hrs there and 6 hours back, 4 + 1 is 5 road trips. Each an adventure in their own.

when I get my internet back I will post some photos, stay tuned.

As Hillary Duffs Character in the Mr. Perfect Movie says, "Same me, just a different zipcode."

Moving tip #1 Zip lock bags are the best! How else can I pack up my Zen garden? I just poured the sand into a zip lock along with the tiny rake and it was packed.

I also used a zip lock for my spare change, which was not enough to coin-roll.

Moving tip #2 Set aside a frying pan ~out of the box until the last minute to be able to cook stuff.

Moving tip #3 Eat up all the frozen food first, then the fridge food. To not have to pack it up for a 6 hour drive, the food may either thaw out or spoil.

*DO NOT buy an 18 pack of frozen hamburger patties just 4 days before moving (Andrew!) :)


Chrissy said...

Martiel, I just saw your comment on Jenette's blog and wanted to say that I live pretty close to wear you are in MO. Come visit my blog and we can 'chat'! Welcome to MO!! C (

Chrissy said...

I really can spell....what time is it?!...meant to type "where", not "wear"!