Saturday, January 20, 2007

Our Trip to CA PART II

I have been busy so far this 2007 new year and have neglected my blog a bit. I am back to write about the rest of our time out in California visiting family and friends. After we were in Morro Bay for a few days we drove down the coastal highway to Woodland Hills and visited with Andrew's family and friends for a few days. Here is a couple of photos of the coastal drive down to LA from Morro Bay.
We drove down to Long Beach visiting grandparents.Here we have three generations of the Hay family.
Andrew with his Grandma Thelma, and Grandma and me sitting together in the breakfast room. On her sliding glass door is a "football" crashed through the glass. The football looks real at first coming through the glass like this, but it was really just a decal. I have seen these on the back windows of cars, but as a baseball or tennis ball instead. Grandpa gave Andrew his old set of golf clubs and two bags for him to use. We started playing golf earlier in the fall, and this will help us with building two complete golf sets to play with. Grandpas golf shoes fit me, so Andrew just needs to get a pair of golf shoes now.

I gave my father-in-law a Red Cardinals shirt which reads, "World Series Champions 2006" He told us he will have to wear it proudly to one of the Dodger Games! I then (jokingly) told him he might get his Season tickets revoked, if he wore it to a game.

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