Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Our Dog Has a Mullett!

It is summer time and the weather is getting hot and humid. Our dog, Duke has black, long, fur. I decided to take Duke over to Pet Smart for a grooming, when the groomer asked me how short I wanted his hair to be, I paused for a moment to think this through...I didn't want it to be too short, and I like his fluffy ears and long tail....I told her to trim down the hair for summer but keep the tail and ears alone. He also had long fur on the back of his legs, which I said to trim off also. In my mind I thought he would look good all trimmed up and he would also be less hot in the summer heat with out the long fur. Andrew picked Duke up from the groomers and I was at work, he text messaged me, "what happened to Duke? He looks so funny! all of his fur is gone." I could not wait to get home to see what he looked like and find out what Andrew was talking about.

With out the long fur on the back of his legs, they now look skinny, and with out the long fur on his body/torso his tail looks super fluffy...like a Mullet. His fur is short and then long, it is out of proportion like a mullet! We were calling him "Mullet Dog".

Here are some before and afters of our poor Duke, the Mullet dog.
BEFORE: With a long neck line, long fur, long tail, and furry legs.Duke has his "cigar" in his mouth. AFTER: No neck line, skinny legs, short fur, with a fluffy tail... Mullet Dog with his baby teddybear out on the deck! BEFORE: Long Neck line of fur. Duke hanging out in the rain.
AFTER: Short fur all over, no more neck line, and now he has the long furry ears remaining and it looks funny. The new Duke all trimmed back, chillin on his window seat in our living room.

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