Sunday, August 30, 2009

Let's Talk Evelution

Dear Scientists,

Scientifically the theory is that Humans have evolved from Apes and ruling out that God created Humans. Ok. So if the Apes evolved into humans...why are there still Apes today in 2009? Why did those Apes not turn into humans?

AND! Let's just say God didn't create the humans...because of evolution...BUT who created the Apes to then become a human?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

I'll soon be 31 and I don't even remember being went so fast. For my birthday present to me; I had my hair highlighted (very cute), eyebrows waxed (ouch!), Pedicure (tickle torture), and Gel-fill Nails or whatever you call em.

My favorite part to a pedicure is the chair, without it the pedi would be pure tickle torture for me.
I'm doing a girls night out at the Melting Pot. It's going to be Chocolate fondue and cocktails on Saturday. I'm rounding up my gal pals to celebrate the big 31. Andrew will watch Kara that night.

People are asking me what I want for my birthday...So here is a Birthday Wish List: Sun Flowers, Ziggy Marly kids CD, Toyota Rav4, baby girl toys, gas card, Black Eyed Peas CD, babysit Kara coupon for one night out with Andrew, a cute top...Size L for lovely...

I posted the Birthday Wish list on my facebook page and some of my friends replied to it:

Julie - I told u I will babysit anytime and it doesn't have to be your b-day gift.
Kim - Rav4...who's gonna get that one? Ya better ask Andrew to buy it! :) I would babysit anytime if I lived there! Move back here (to California) and I will watch Kara!!!
Martiel - Thanks for the babysitting offers. What is the babysitting rate though? I am wishing for a COUPON to use on babysitting one night.... :)
To Julie, We will take you up on the offer to watch Kara when we decide to go to the Cheesecake Factory over by you.
To Kim, I want my next car (new or used) to be a Rav4 type car, like the Nisan Murano or ANY of those that are shaped like that. So that there is room for the baby AND the Dog. He would go in the back with the stroller.

Facebook Brings People Together.

After joining Facebook I have chatted with more old friends and new friends on a regular basis than I did with email or phone calls. This is a great medium to use to keep in touch with friends and family.

I am trying to tell my mom this, and have her join facebook. She can keep up with photos of her granddaughter Kara, and chat back and forth or keep in contact with her sister who is also on Facebook, and even get reconnected with old school friends, etc. The possibilities are endless. BUT my mom is being "stubborn" and is boycotting Facebook, based on the negative uses the news has reported about. There was the one news story of a woman and her daughter were teasing and tormenting another school girl on MySpace (website similar to Facebook) and that girl ended up killing herself. I believe that the woman went to jail for being involved in the girls suicide? But that is one side to Facebook and Myspace.

Facebook for me is not like that Myspace example at all. I am able to connect and chat with a wide range of people I know using one website. It is a great tool. Here is a sampling of my chats to others about baby Kara:

Martiel- "Kara was talking in her verbal sounds....she totally said Mmmaaa ma mom mmm... does that count? wish full thinking ;D"

New Topic:

Martiel- "Kara's little baby nostrils are too tiny to pick! has a little booger....she can't blow her nose lol how does she get the booger out? It's staring me in the face, this little baby nose and a booger!!!!
Verda - "use the blue aspirator - its shaped like a bulb on one end with a pointy tip (baby nostril size) on the other. great for vacuuming out baby boogers."
Martiel - "I forgot I even had that thing, I have two from the hospital...thanks Verda! There's so much to learn and odd little things like baby boogers...silly but I'm learning."
Mym - "the hospital bulbs are the best...put a few drops of saline (salt water) they have it pre-made for babies and let it soften the boogies and then use the bulb. if the boogie is right there but cant get it with your nail, use the tissue like you would, it will stick to the tissue like magic! good luck!"
Connie - "lol cute...I do know about the boogie sucker, they (babies) hate it but it works it still there ?.....hope not...."
Martiel - I replied, "No the Booger is gone...I will def try the bulb next time though. That wont be the only booger she gets, lol. More to come...ahh the joys of motherhood!"
Connie - then said, "lol a boogie is nothing , wait til she wakes and paints her crib with poopie, and you see a bit around her mouth."

New topic:

Martiel - some how I've ended up with three diaper bags... a baby bottle in one and the formula in another...good thing all 3 bags were in the car when I was out with Kara, today.
Now we are home and settled in from running errands. I am so board, Kara is napping, Duke is at the groomers, and Daddy is at work...guess I'll take a nap too...but I'm not tired...
Shawn - Oooo I have an idea for some excitement...wake Kara up!!!! :)
Martiel - Good one Shawn.
Matrika - suggested, "Enjoy the silence while it lasts!"
Kim - Watch TV or a movie OR make a romantic dinner for Andrew. :) ...
Martiel - I am watching TV...hence the bored part! lol

New topic:

Martiel - Kara is 4 going on 5 months this Aug 23. Each new month is a beautiful experience. Right now she is blowing little bubbles and giggling, as her new talent. ;)
Sara - (her daughter) is 3 months now and growing so quickly. Time is so fast. It is amazing to see how much they change and learn in a short few months, huh?
Martiel - I know, every moment is so special. She is starting to grab everything now too. We think she is going to be left handed?

JOIN FACE BOOK MOM! Ignore the news stories and listen to your daughter. ;)

Friday, August 07, 2009

Power Outage

Amazing what vast amount of power we use. I didn't really see how much power our house was using until the power went out for just a few minutes. After it went back on, I walked around the house and unplugged items that are not used all the time. There were 4 items plugged in and waisting energy. My coffee maker topped with dust was plugged in, as well as my phone charger, blender, and paper shredder. I can plug these items in as I use them and leave them unplugged the rest of the time. As I walked through the house searching for items to unplug, I did notice I have a lot of battery operated things which is saving on power.

Go green! Unplug items in your house that rarely get used. Also buy clocks with batteries instead of the plug kind to prevent having to run around the house setting the time on 4 different clocks!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Who knew?

Office Dramma. Rummers spread like wild fires, feeding off of a little bit and grows to more complications. People never know the whole story just one side and twist up the fuzzy parts inbetween. It went a little something like this:

I think I know what you know...Tell me what you know and I'll let you know if what you know is what I know...Do you know the same thing I know? Because, no one is suppose to know, how do you know what I know? I don't know the whole thing, I just know a little, do you know more than what I know? I don't know! I can't believe it! I KNOW!