Saturday, August 27, 2011

Classic Kid Discovery #129

There are times when a kid discovers something "NEW" and something they figured out all by themselves. When in reality kids from generations before them have discovered the same sort of things. Something I like to refer to as a Classic Kid Discovery. Anywhere from the echo sound they can create in a public restroom... to popping the bubble wrap to make load popping sounds.

Kara is 2 1/2 years old and just figured out the art of blowing bubbles in her cup of water using a straw! She looks at me with excitement, and discovery of something so cool! "Look momma!" she says and blows more bubbles in her water cup. This is the transition from sippy cup to a cup with a STRAW!!! Opening up new possibilities. Of course she has on occasion used the straw before to drink her drinks, but not as often as now.

This was a moment of discovery, and something so amusing that she was giggling as she did it. A self satisfaction to have figured this out. Kids before her, dating back to the 1950's and even sooner have discovered this "talent" of blowing bubbles in thier drink with use of the straw.

I even remember my little brother (who is now 27) discovering this with his Chocolate milk in the same way Kara has discovered it. Both kids figuring out the inevitable. This is just one Classic Kid Discovery, among many more to come.

It is fun to watch my baby girl learn, explore, and find out how things work on her own. She is really becoming a Classic Kid. These are all kid things that we as the adult don't neccissarilly teach them. It is just things that Kids stumble upon and teach themselves.

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