Monday, September 26, 2011

Fish Murderer

(photo found online, this is not a photo of my actual fish. it looked like this fish)

I wake up with Kara and do our morning routine of getting her a cup of juice or milk, make a sandwhich for Andrew to take to work, let the dog outside and feed the beta fish. One morning however the fish was laying very still on the bottom of the bowl...I fed it anyway and decided to check on it in a little bit after I did a few other things around the house. Well, fast forward to the evening time, I had forgotten all about the fish and quickly went over to the bowl to still find our fish lying on the bottom of the bowl? I thought fish floated on thier back when they die? Why was this fish at the bottom? I was pretty sure it was dead, either way.

So here is how it played out on my Facebook Page. I made a post on my wall,
"My Beta Fish sank? It didn't float like other fish? Why is it dead? and why did it sink? :(

My friends wrote back in response:
OLIVIA: Are you sure it's dead?
ME: Lol well if it was alive...then it got a rude awaking as i let it swim down the toilet drain. Oops! Never had a fish sink to the bottom before...always seem to float when they die? Mr. Fish wasn't moving at all.
KIM: Maybe he was napping? LOL 
ME: I feel so bad now...I just murdered a fish...Karas fish!? It had to hace been dead? The beta was on its side not moving and I wiggled the bowl and feed reaction from the fish.
                        KIM: Don't feel bad. I'm sure it was dead.
ME: At least Kara doesn't even realize what happened. It will be fine and we can get a diff one tomorrow. Each morning it is routine to say hi to the fish with her and feed it…
then on a side post about not wanting to do dishes....

        Carmel: did your beta die of accidental detergent spillage?
        Me:  No? I think i used a sponge this time when i cleaned the bowl out and changed its
       was the only difference that I did that could of killed Mr. Fish.
        Carmel:How clean is your sponge?
        Me: Prob had remnants of soap on it...poisoning my fish? I feel like I'm on trial here?! I admit 
        it...I am a fish Murderer!
        Carmel: haha no worries, kara won't know the difference!

Strangley, the night beforehand, I had a dream about the fish. I actually dreamt that I had a freshly cleaned fish bowl and went to put my fish back in to find there were two blue beta fish in the bowl...? I knew if I left them together they'ld fight and went to get another bowl and fill with water...this dream was so detailed...then i grab one fish and it had a bite out of its side and the other one was dead. Woke up and didn't know why I even dreamt that...and now fast forward to fish in reality is dead and I want to get another blue beta to replace it.

Strange how we can dream about something and it only makes sense later on when we look back on it and try to interpret it. Sometimes it is sort of a premonition dream, like this dream was.

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