Friday, September 02, 2011


(NOTE: blog was written on 07/21/2011 never posted it)

Kara is so fascinating to watch grow in to a little girl. She is learning to count and knows her ABCs, she speaks in 5 word sentences, and the cutest of all, she says, “please and thanks Momma” Kara also says, “I sorry” when she knows she was bad. That’s her cuteness buffer from not being able to be mad at her; I just have to know that she isn’t “bad” she just didn’t know any better.

For instance, the day, she had a pen and drew on our sofa cushions! I told her NO!! Kara, that is very bad! Only use pen on paper! Do not draw on the furniture…She says, “I sorry momma” and later that day she would see the sofa and point to it, saying, “Bad! Bad” I just would tell her, “yes I know that IS bad and we don’t draw on furniture. Ok? And you can only use pen on paper. I love you, and you are not in trouble.” I want to let her understand that I am not mad at her for doing that, and she does know that it was bad to have used the pen on the cushions.

The other day I was getting dressed and I am putting on my makeup, and Kara is behind me counting, “1,2,3…1,2,3” I wasn’t sure what it was she was counting and I turn around and she looks up at me, grins, and stops counting…I turn back to finish getting ready and she starts counting again? I then realize my underwear had black polka-dots as a pattern and she was standing behind me, counting all the dots. So hilarious!

Now that she is two years old, Kara speaks in complete sentences and is getting easier to communicate with, in knowing what she is saying. This morning, Andrew came home from buying a spool of twine at Lowe’s. He needs the twine to tie up all the branches we are trimming away for the yard waste to be picked up on Wednesday. Yard waste comes each Wednesday to pick up trimmings from the curb and like for it to be bundled up with twine. Andrew gave the twine to Kara to look at and told her this was twine. She says, “Ooh, Twine!” Our dog was by Kara and she says, “Look Duke, I have twine!” it was a funny 5 word sentence she said. I really don’t even think Kara knows what twine is… or what it was for, she just was an excited two year old with a spool of twine in her hands.
She cracks us up all of the time with moments like these!

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