Thursday, May 07, 2009

Cute Kara Pics

Here are some pics of Kara to share. She is 6 wks old now.
pinkie size comparisons. 6wk old baby pinkie vs. 30 yr old pinkie.

A coworker of Andrew's gave Kara this handmade, pink hat along with a matching pink, blanket and booties. His wife made the complete set. I tried the hat on Kara to take her by my work for my coworkers to meet her. She looks like a little gangster, or diva all dressed up in her big hat and big pants. The pants are newborn size, but they will fit her well into the 3 month size, they're so big.

This baby swing I bought from Goodwill for $25...score! It keeps her occupied while I cook dinner or take the dishes out of the dishwasher, etc.
Duke is cuddling below by Kara's swing. They are best friends.

I just changed her poopoo explosion, and now she is a happy baby! ;)

Every day she works on her "tummy time" leaning over the boppy pillow. It helps prep her for crawling and she strengthens her neck and legs. She was on there a little too long, and fell asleep. So cute!

My brother, Robert, was visiting us at our house for the week, along with my mom and dad. He is such a good Uncle to baby Kara. I almost got him to change a diaper, but suckered me into doing it, by asking me to show him how to...sneaky bro!


Leona said...

She is SO cute!!! Enjoy her at this age, its the EASIEST of all, they just "sit" there and look cute:) So when is #2 coming?!!!

justcarly said...

She is so adorable! You guys made an awesome little girl