Monday, May 11, 2009

Mrs. _(insert name)_ Butterworth

There is a contest online to guess what Mrs. Butterworth's first name is. Have you ever wondered what her name is? I didn't even know one existed...A syrup bottle with a first name? hmmm. The winner to guess the syrup bottles first name, wins a supply of syrup and $500.

Here is my thought process on figuring out her 1st name:

I believe Mrs. Butterworth's first name has to start with M being that the initials MB are on the bottle. She also is an older lady, from 40 years ago, so her name is of an old, grandma type name. I am guessing something along the lines of: Margaret, Mildred, Mary, or Magda. I am picking Margaret as her first name because it sounds like a kind, old, grandma. It is how I think of her to be, from looking at her and hearing her voice on the commercials. With Margaret as her first name, she could be nick-named Maggie, or Mag. Margaret Butterworth... mystery solved?

Click the link to enter... I already submitted Margaret! pick a different answer for yours.


Unknown said...

Hello my dears! It’s me, Mrs. Butterworth.

Please do enter your guess on my website for a chance to win $500 and a year’s supply of yours truly:

And while you are on your computer, do stop by and say hello to me on Twitter ( and Facebook (!

Leona said...

The initials "MB" on the bottle (on her apron) stand for "Mrs. Butterworth" Just thought I should clue you in:)
Fun though!! HOPE you win!!

Martiel said...

Leona- I thought that too at first the M for Mrs. But people don't use an M as an initial. Or if your name is Doctor Butterworth it wouldn't be DB for her initials. Butterworth is the last name and I believe the M is for her 1st name...? M for Margery or Margarett.

Kimber said...

I always thought Mrs. Butterworth's first name was Martiel. hehe