Tuesday, June 02, 2009

All Hail the Gods!

It hailed this afternoon! Being from California, this is all new to me. Wow! I was looking out at my deck in the back yard and it was pouring rain with thunder and lightning and the trees were blowing all around from the wind. Then the hail became more dominate and there was more hail than rain at one point. Pouring down hail at the size of crushed ice. It was almost as if someone was on my roof throwing over buckets of ice on my deck. CRAZY!

I video taped it on my camera to share with my Cali folks. Those of you who don't really experience hail at all. There was a hail storm about 20 years ago in Morro Bay...but that was only one time and back when I was a kid. Other than that one time, this was a first for me.


the link will take you to my home-video of the hail storm that was in my back yard.

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