Saturday, June 27, 2009

Useless Road Signs

There are at least three road signs I have seen around town, that are a waist to put up. One is a marquis sign telling people, "Air quality green, breath easy." What? Thanks for letting me know, I don't have to hold my breath any longer. So what will the sign read when or if the air gets to RED? Will it read, "Air quality red, buy an air mask... on sale at Walmart?" Hopefully our air quality doesn't get to Red or what ever color code the worst air quality is. I hope for it to stay "green."

The second sign reads, "Accident reduction zone." Shouldn't ALL areas that people drive in be an accident reduction zone? We as drivers should drive with caution and prevent accidents from happening in the other areas too. Not just that area the sign is posted, for that "zone."

The third sign I saw put up in my area is, "Drug Free Zone." Darn I wanted to deal my drugs on that corner and snort some crack on my lunch break! Where is the Drug Zone then? I'll go there! Silly. Of course that particular area and everywhere else is a "drug free zone" because drugs are illegal and there are not any designated places to do drugs.

Are we seriously spending our tax dollars on new signs stating the obvious and waisting money like this? We need to budget better, we are in a recession and economy is down. The city doesn't have the extra money to post at least 3 new signs up around town. I noticed these three useless signs, there are probably more posted that I don't know about.

Another thing is personalized car plates. The car infront of me this morning reads, "PRPLXD." What does it mean? Purple XD, and it is on a RED car? what is the XD part? There needs to be a bumper sticker decoding liscence plates when they are personalized and don't make sence. It should be a requirement. I don't get 1/2 of the plates I come across sitting in traffic. Some though are very clever!


Leona said...

LOL Martiel:)
Seems like this plate thing has got you "PERPLEXED".
Thats my guess;)

Martiel said...

Oooooh! that would make sence. I wasreading it as purple...HAHA I think you are right Leona

Anonymous said...

i think the license plate reds 'perplexed' - but yeah, there ought to be a law requiring a translation of those license plates, maybe in a license surround so we dont all go crazy trying to figure them out XD

oh, there was a lady who loves tofu in colorado who had her license plate request turned down - the dept explained that her "i love tofu" plate could be misread as "i love to F U"


Martiel said...

My coworkers from when I worked at the IKEA in LA wanted a plate that read L A K R H 8 R. DMV turned it down too. They didn't want any fights or his car getting vandelized, etc cuz her was a Laker Hater.