Monday, June 22, 2009


My blogger-friend, Kimber, recently made a post about making choices and how some of those choices are made without a conscious or deliberate analysis. She got the list from a blog friend of hers and now I am choosing from the list of theoretical choices... (in bold)...

Milk chocolate or Dark chocolate
Scotch or Bourbon
Ketchup or Mustard
Ice Cream or Sorbet
Icing or No Icing
Mac or Windows
or Skirt
Long Hair or Short Hair
Breast or Bottle
Ice Cream Soda or New York Egg Cream
Creamy or Chunky
Isle or Window
Smoking or Non-smoking
Plane or Train
White Gold
or Yellow Gold
Rocks or Neat
Steam Room or Sauna
Tea or Coffee
or Splenda
Fiction or Non-fiction
Sleep or Work
Flats or Heals
Meat or No Meat
Sauce or Dry Rub
Automatic or Stick Shift
Bar Soap or Body Wash
Dressed Salad or Dressing on the Side
Driver or Passenger
or Crossword
Now or Later
or Pepsi
White Wine or Red Wine
Cranberry Mimosas or Orange Juice Mimosas
Reality TV or Documentary
or BBC
Camping or Lodging
Beaching or Hiking
White or Wheat
or Wilma
Tom or Jerry

I don't know what this says about me in the choices I made or how you will perceive it. Don't read too deeply into some of these. It is just a fun little list of things in life we choose one over the other on. I choose Mustard over Ketchup only because there are so many kinds of mustard and only one kind of ketchup, it is so boring. Mustard is adventurous. My favorite mustard is the kind with the seeds. I choose the wheat over the white, because I never liked how white bread gets stuck to the roof of my mouth. Annoying! Wheat bread is the better choice. Passenger over Driver, I hate driving where I don't know where I am and someone else is giving the directions, I get all turned around. I just want to be the passenger, better yet a passenger sitting in the back of a limo and sipping on my Orange Juice Mimosas, not worrying about how to get from point a to point b...just as long as I get there. I suck at directions and can easily get lost. The train over plane I choose, because I have many fond memories of riding the train to my daddy Kenny's house to visit him for a week at a time and sitting in the viewing car, with the swivel chairs. I miss you dad, and miss my train trips to visiting you.

While on the topic of Choosing and choices...I never liked the phrase, "Beggars can't be choosers..." beggars can't be choosers, but can choosers choose to beg? I always think of this when some annoying person says that phrase.

1 comment:

Kalanit said...

Hey, fellow mustard fan...Whole Paycheck has a German Mustard that is seedy and delicious!