Sunday, July 03, 2011



The link above takes you to a website showing details of the this AWESOME, INOVATIVE, THE NEXT BIG THING, idea thought up by 3 Dudes who wanted to swim on a hot day in the River. This is so very genius of them to design this. These guys will go far in life and become billionairs if this lifts off of the drawing board! Some day soon, I hope all the rivers and lakes can get floating pools to enjoy the water better.

The idea is to have a pool in the river which filters the water of the river and keeps cleaner water for people to swim in than just the river water alone...most times it is not safe to swim in a river with all the gross water out there with its dead fish, and pollutants in the water. This pool idea also contains the people to an area and not having them in the vast body of water that a river has.

This is so brilliant! What a great way to use up natural resources and cool down the community in the hot summers. This is first being planned to be build and created in a New York River...but if this takes off there are so many locations for this idea of a floating pool to be used. There's the Ohio River, Chicago, Great Lakes, New Orleans, St. Louis, and others all over the nation to benefit from this floating pool idea. Don't forget the lakes too! This floating pool idea would work nice in parks with lakes!

DONATE to the floating pool project. Donate to this project of the Floating pool and help raise money in such an awesome, innovative, fabulous solution! Something as small as a DOLLAR donation can swim it's way to happiness and help create the 1st floating pool.

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