Saturday, July 09, 2011

What a week!

 This is a blog that never was posted, and stuck in the "draft" part of my blog writing. I just now came across this and some others to post. Written June 6, 2010! So a little over a year ago, I wrote this and Kara was 15 months old. I'll have to find the photos and post along with this blog later.
Sunday we went to the Rennasaince Fair with our friend, Carissa and her two kiddos. Kara had it easiest, being pushed around in a stroller the whole time, and being fanned to keep cool from the 80+ degrees out. We had a blast there. When we got there, we first checked out the pirate and juggler show. There was a lady pirate on stage singing a little ditty with adult humor mixed in it. The funny part was she had pointed out that her 2 year old son was in the audience...he was sitting over by us about three people over. When she started to sing the song, her son was singing right along word for word. He doesn't even know half of what he is saying means. Andrew and I took turns riding a camel, which was an experience I never thought of doing before. Riding the camel was a spontaneous opportunity. We ended our Rennasaince Journey with meeting the Queen and she granted Kara as Princess Kara, handing her an official Rennasaince scroll tied up with royal purple ribbon. My friend's daughter was also granted as Princess Ellie. The girls were honored to be given such a role. Ellie is older, 4 years old, so this was more exciting to be named Princess Ellie. My friends son, was also sworn in by one of the knights to be a Jr. Knight and to help protect both the Queen and her Village. The Knight had a large, shinny sword; and Carissa's son knelt down on one knee, while the knight touched shoulder to shoulder with the sword. It seemed so official and exciting!

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