Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day!

It was so nice to have today off of work, only to spend it doing homework for tonights class! but the weekend overall was fun, aside from the time spend on homework.
I went to the Taste of Cincinnati on Sunday, I will blog on that later when I have more time.

Have you ever had one of those lazy mornings? I woke up this morning with no need for the alarm clock, about 8:40am fell back to sleep for a "few minutes" and all of the sudden it was 10:40am when I woke up. I was so confused waking up, thinking I had slept only a few minutes longer, when it was really 2 hours longer! So I hopped in the shower and spent the rest of my day doing homework, I am off to class tonight. My day is almost done! Tomorrow will then be Tuesday and it is back to work.

Enjoy the rest of your Monday off, what is left of it!

Leave a comment telling me what you did for the memorial weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just kicked around the house - the painters were prepping last week so mitch was doing last minute stuff like replacing several boards with rot from the deck area, we try not to go anyplace on memorial day weekend, really heavy traffic weekend

gats ;:P