Saturday, November 08, 2008

Agree to Disagree!

A friend of mine, voted Republican, McCain, and had some harsh words to share after Obama won the presidential election. Here is my response. You, the blog reader may agree or disagree. That is why people vote, for their own opinions and for their own likes, and dislikes.

Dear "Friend",

I think quite the opposite from you, it was time for a Democrat (black or white) to be elected, no more sending our children to war, and democrats will hopefully end this ongoing war, and fix our economy, etc. Republicans are also the ones voting in CA against people getting married! If two people love each other, they should be able to get married. Who are we to choose and vote against love? Earlier this year people were "allowed" to get married and did so only to have it taken away again.

Did you see on TV that Ellen DeGeneres got married earlier this year, only to have it now taken away from her? She is just one person in the whole state of CA treated that way, unfairly. Thanks to republicans, mostly.

I personally voted Obama two reasons, he is democrat, and black... Finally, after 60 years later we are just now having a black president!? I find this mind boggling! We have CEOs, surgeons, doctors, VP of large corporations, and principals of schools, etc. who are all black; why not have a president be a black person. It is about time...2008.

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