Wednesday, December 21, 2005

From A - Z My Favorite Things!

A-Z favorite things:

1.) A: Andrew (there is a no brainer!)
2.) B: Butterfly
3.) C: Camera (digital)
4.) D: Dragonfly
5.) E: Eclipse (it's a rare moment)
6.) F: Family
7.) G: Giggles
8.) H: Hot Dogs at a ball game
9.) I: Iridescent things
10.) J: Jamocka flavored ice cream
11.) K: Kayaking
12.) L: Licorice (the red kind in the giant tub, or at the movies)
13.) M: Mazda
14.) N: Nachos
15.) O: Old fashion car shows
16.) P: Purple People Bridge (it is a good ½ mile walk and fun to say)
17.) Q: Queen Marry-has been closed for a while, but was fun to go to.
18.) R: Roses, but not red roses
19.) S: Snow
20.) T: Turkey
21.) U: uniqueness
22.) V: Violin music by candle light
23.) W: Wishing on a penny or a shooting star
24.) X: X-Mas! (Creative huh? Thought I couldn’t think of an “x”)
25.) Y: Yellow Sunflowers
26.) Z: Zany times with friends

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