Monday, December 12, 2005

Good Times, Good Friends

This was the day after Thanks Giving (2005) catching up on old times at my moms house. I loved spending the afternoon reminissing of our childhood. The photo is of Beth, Me, & Genoa. The three of us were all in Blue Birds together back in 1st grade through 3rd grade; in this photo we are all now 27, & married.

Another best friend of mine is Emily, who was there with us, whom I have also known for 23 years. It is so special to have good friends like them years later, a golden moment I will continue to hold on to, making new memories like this day at my moms.

Beth had moved away in grade school, and we lost touch. A couple of years ago Genoa and I were at Ross shopping and ran into Beth, out of the blue. It was great seeing her for that brief moment in Ross. Then earlier this year I looked her up again and we all meet up at my moms while we were all in town visiting family for Thanks Giving. So Emily, Genoa, Rodrigo, Andrew, Beth, Mom, Dad, and I were sitting around the table having some Thanks Giving leftovers for lunch. My mom made some turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce, and dished up the rest of the Waldorf salad. We sipped Chardonnay, as we gossiped and giggled. We brought up names of old school kids we had not heard of in a while, and lost touch on. You know the typical, "What ever happened to so-n-so?" One of us would answer and the other add to it with what they knew about so-n-so. Some S0-n-sos were married and had 3 kids, while other so-n-sos were still living at their parents house, surfing.

I had fun with us all there at my parent’s home in good old MB. I hope to look back on this day all together again, 20 years from now also. Of course my Parents will be in their late 70's but we can still meet up there, at their house the day after Thanks Giving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and we had soooo much fun seeing you girls -

the husbands were on the other side of the table exchanging 'we had no idea these were wild women we have on our hands' looks

gats ;:P